Elimination - Poker house rules

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Players: 4-8

Initial Deal: five cards to each player and seven down cards on the table

Betting: Ante if desired.
After deal. Rotating bet after each card flip

Deal - A card on the table is turned over. Anyone holding cards of the same rank must discard them. There follows a round of betting (each round uses a rotating lead, beginning with the player to the dealer's left). After each round another card is flipped over and like cards discarded. If anyone loses all his cards, they instantly win the pot. Otherwise, after all cards have been turned up and the last betting round concludes players showdown for high hand.

Winner: High Hand


All 7 Cards: If a card of the same rank as a previously flipped card is turned over, a new card is flipped from the top of the deck until an undiscarded rank is revealed. Thus, seven different ranks will always be discarded.
High Low Split
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